Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bath Fun

Elena is helping shampoo her hair

Bath time!
The girls like to eat, hence the girls get at least one bath a day. 

Elena is very close to walking - she takes little steps and is loving it.  Elena is getting more social by the day and loves to be with her parents.  She is starting to cry when we leave her at school or the church nursery, which is a good thing.  She snuggles and cuddles more now and is actually sitting still long enough to read books.  She likes sitting with us at the table and can feed herself very well with a big-girl spoon.

Juliana is scooting all over the place but not actually crawling yet.  Juliana can now raise herself into a sitting position and can sit for about 30 minutes without support. 


  1. Wow! What a difference a little love makes! Seems like they are thriving because they are receiving the love and attention that any child deserves. You guys are incredible! And the girls are nothing short of amazing! Love ya!

  2. They look WONDERFUL!! You are surely blessed my friend! Hugs!! Mel
